I have had plenty of time for writing of late so progress is being made on a number of fronts. Book 2 – ‘Render Unto Caesar’ is about to go live on the LULU website. Book 3 – ‘The Mark’ is going through an initial review then a ‘polish’ then a final edit before it will enter the LULU publishing system as the last book in the trilogy. I have just started work on a fourth book in response to those readers who want to know more about Jack’s past as a detective and in particular they want to know more about how he earned a George Medal. The story I am developing will embrace my two years working in the Balkans during the wars of the ’90’s and build on the real-life events of that period along with what we know about the criminal gangs that existed at the time and still exist today.
What to do when that is completed I am not sure but many of you have commented that Dan Barclay’s character is eminently suited to a series of exciting tales. If you have any ideas and wish to suggest something then you are welcome to write a comment on the blog.
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