
A selection of articles written for Heliops.

The Beginning of a New Era – The Sea King Arrives

The Beginning of a New Era – The Sea King Arrives

1970 - A personal story about the first year operating with the Navy’s new ‘toy’. On December 2nd 1969, I flew the last mission of my Operational Flight Training. It was a CASEX with an ‘all-student’ crew - S/Lt Graham Lee in the right-hand seat and S/Lt Ray...

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Heliops Column 5

Heliops Column 5

EBT is coming to the Rotary World – but what is EBT? Indications are that Evidence-Based Training – EBT - is coming to the Rotary World – at least in EASA-land. ICAO is also considering the concept in a forthcoming helicopter mission training document. EBT has taken...

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Heliops Column 4

Heliops Column 4

GIVING TOUCH-PANEL TRAINING DEVICES THE FINGER Don’t panic… keep your hair on… I am a fan of the touch-panel-based training device, so don’t get the wrong idea… BUT… are they usurping the role of the genuine cockpit trainer and leaving us worse off as a result? A...

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Heliops Column 3

Heliops Column 3

Flight Simulation and the Single Pilot Environment The accident statistics published on both sides of the Atlantic by the FAA* and EASA* show similar trends regarding ‘causal factors’. It would not surprise me to find that those similarities were mirrored across the...

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Heliops Column 2

Heliops Column 2

Sim Instructors Can Spot Design Flaws and Help Prevent Accidents I read an accident report today, the one issued by the UAE authorities following the ditching of the AW139 with a failed oil cooler fan. This preliminary report, no doubt, as with many previous accident...

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Heliops Column 1

Heliops Column 1

Geoff Newman – Flight Simulation Correspondent I have just rounded off my 49th year in aviation the big ‘5’ ‘0’ come in November. For two years, back in the ‘80s I taught and examined in the S61 simulators in Aberdeen and Stavanger. For much of the last ten years I...

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